Hi! I’m starting a blog! See my About page for more about me.
This started as a side project after I foolishly bought the tomhale.me domain name.
Sadly, I didn’t realize that a blog isn’t terribly useful unless you have something useful to say. I can easily get the same relief by screaming any errant thoughts out my window, and almost anything could have been a better use of my money.1 Unfortunately the money is gone, and the internet is stuck with another software engineer convinced his blog is God’s great gift to the world.
As I scrape enough thoughts together for a cohesive post, and in lieu of an actual personality, I thought I’d list what I’ve been reading lately:
I’m also reading Clean Code for work, but that doesn’t really count.
This 4’ tall giant rubber duck comes to mind ↩︎
Not self-promotion – Tom Hale III is my dad ↩︎