Hi! My name is Tom Hale, and I’m a team member at Mission Year, a yearlong service program in inner-city Philadelphia. You can check out our website for all the buzzwordy reasons to be here, but the long and short of it is I figured it’s important to learn what life in the inner-city is like, and I figured living here was the best way to do that (people smarter than me call that “proximity to the oppressed”)1.
Until this past August, I was a software engineer at Cognex. I was helping to build barcode readers until I started feeling like that wasn’t really the right thing for me to be doing. I’m still figuring out what that right thing is, and living out here in Kensington, Philadelphia is definitely changing my views on what is right and what is wrong.
Feel free to contact me at my email, thale14 at protonmail dot com! I’d love to hear from you! The internet is usually a pretty lonely place. If you’d like to follow along, you can also sign up for my newsletter here!
There’s actually a great book about this! Check out The Power of Proximity for some really solid thoughts about proximity and why it’s important. ↩︎